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The Queer Arts Consortium (QUAC) is a collaboration between  Raze Collective, Fringe! Queer Arts & Film Fest, The Cocoa Butter Club, Queer Youth Art Collective and PRIM.Black. QUAC has been awarded funding through the Elevate programme from Arts Council England, to establish a partnership model of collaboration and shared services.


QUAC seeks to preserve, develop and embolden its partner organisations. In turn participating in the continuing establishment of a thriving Queer Arts sector in the UK, that builds essential community, careers and culture.

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Drag King Beau Jangles stands at a microphone singing. They are wearing a smart dinner tux and have curly short dark hair and a thin black moustache. White light shines on thier face. Behind them is a red lit glittery backdrop.

Raze Collective

Raze Collective is a charity established to support, develop and nurture queer performance in the UK. Raze Collective offers a range of support for artists and those working in the creative field, from access to rehearsal space, workshops and mentorship to a programme of networking events, live shows and funded projects.

Fringe! Queer Arts & Film Fest

Fringe! is an entirely volunteer-run organisation rooted in London's queer creative scene. In Novembers, and throughout the year, Fringe! showcase's an eclectic mix of films, arts and events celebrating LGBTIQA+ stories from around the world, welcoming everybody.

Three people stand on a blue lit stage. Two people in the centre are speaking into microphones, holding clipboards with one arm raised. One wears a white shorts with black braces and a gold cycling helmet. The other is shorter wearing black trousers and a white top. The third person is dressed in black and is seen providing BSL interpretation. Behind then on the stage is a projection that reads "Unreal Sex."
Five members of the cocoa butter club pose closely together in front of a gold curtain. Sadie Sinner a queer black woman is featured in the centure, wearing a luxurious purple gown, her eyes are closed. Sadie is falnked by two figures to her right, one with big red curly hair and exagerated make up and wearing a black feathered top. The other wears a green gold and white sparkly binki with her long white culry hair down. To sadies left are two more people in burlesque stle clothing, one a serious looking woman, her hair tied tightly back with a white flower headress. The final person to the bottom left of the image is a black man wearing small glittery black pants and a beaded feathery necklace.

The Cocoa Butter Club

The Cocoa Butter Club exists to promote and celebrate performers of colour, creating a platform for the multitude of mediums artists create.


The Cocoa Butter Club strives to “decolonise & moisturise” the stages of London, UK, & abroad, redistributing the narrative of bodies of colour, providing agency and autonomy in celebrating our capabilities.

PRIM. Black

PRIM is a digital platform for storytelling. Born out of not seeing enough Queer Black stories and stories, in general, of people of Black ancestry.  The focus is to make stories by African, Caribbean and Afro-Latinx fam available and readily accessible.

An image of a group of people meeting in a bookshop for OKHA, a queer black book club. Bookshelves line the right side of the image. In front of these are four rows of people seated on chairs. All the people in the image are black or mixed race, they are looking foward as if listening to someone speak and they are all smiling.
An image showing a black cartoon style drawing, half on a yellow background and half on a blue background. The yellow drawing on the left features a man's face, he has a beard and looks unhappy. A speech bubble reads, "I'd rather not! But if you give me a snickers I might.' The other blue image has a similar drawing of a man's face but this one has an eye patch and a scar on his cheek. There is a speech bubble that reads, "I'd rather not! Because I already found the last snickers on earth!"

Queer Youth Art Collective

Queer Youth Art Collective (QYAC) is a team of LGBT artists and creatives running free weekly workshops and discussion forums in person and online for LGBT young people 18-26.


Queer Arts Consortium 2021

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